AI Writing Tips

How to Build a Good Prompt for AI-Generated Articles

AI content writing the right way

AI writing is cool, right? But if you think you can toss any vague command at an AI and expect brilliance, I’ve got news for you – that’s not how this works. You want gold from your AI, you’ve got to feed it gold. Let’s break down how to get AI to churn out the content you actually want.

1. Information Content: Tell It Like It Is

Think you can just say “Write about email marketing,” and the AI will deliver something groundbreaking? Nope. If your prompt is fluff, your output will be fluff. AI isn’t magic, it’s smart – but it needs direction.

Here’s a relatable scenario: You ask your mate to grab you a drink, but you don’t specify what. You might end up with a weird kombucha or that questionable energy drink you despise. Same with AI. Be clear and specific. What’s the topic? What angle do you want? Who’s the audience? Say it out loud: “The more details, the better!”

Not sure what details to include? Try this:

  • Topic: Be specific. Not “marketing,” but “How small businesses can use email marketing automation.”
  • Key points: If you need automation tips, say so. Please don’t leave it to chance.
  • Audience: Are you talking to startup founders or marketing pros? It matters!

Trust me, be upfront with the AI. You wouldn’t send someone grocery shopping with a half-baked list, right?

2. Text Length: Long Enough, but Not a Ramble

“How long should the article be?” you ask. Well, how deep is your topic? Got a lot to cover? Go for a meaty 1,000 words or more. Just need a quick intro? Maybe 300 words will do.

You’re the boss, and AI listens, so tell it the word count. It’s like giving someone a map before sending them off to explore. Without it, you might end up with a bloated novel when you only wanted a neat little blog post.


  • “I need a 1,000-word article on email marketing strategies.”
  • “Hey, just give me 300 words on the benefits of email segmentation.”

Setting limits means you’re less likely to drown in unnecessary fluff. It’s like that old saying: Keep it short and sweet – or long and strong, whatever works.

3. Headings and Subheadings: Break It Up

Nobody likes a wall of text. You wouldn’t read an article that looks like a novel crammed into a single page – why make others suffer through that? Headings and subheadings are like rest stops on a road trip. They break things up and let your readers catch their breath.

You don’t need to overthink this. Just tell the AI, “Give me sections with headings.” Easy peasy.

Want to be fancy? Throw in some creative headers:

  • “How to Automate Without Losing Your Soul” – fun, right?
  • “When to Segment Your List Like a Pro” – gets the point across!

And remember: Humans like structure. Search engines love it even more. Structure your article, and both will thank you.

4. The Perfect Prompt: Your Secret Weapon

Here’s where it gets interesting. The perfect prompt is your ace in the hole. Think of it like setting up your AI for success – the clearer you are, the better your results.

Now, don’t give it some half-baked request like, “Write a thing about email marketing.” Nah, that won’t cut it. Be detailed, but don’t overwhelm it with essays either. It’s all about balance. Like telling a friend to grab a pizza: “I want pepperoni, extra cheese, hold the olives” – straightforward, no-nonsense.

Let’s play this out with an example:

  • Bad prompt: “Write an article on social media.” (Vague, yawn-worthy)
  • Good prompt: “Write a 1,000-word article on how Instagram’s algorithm impacts small businesses’ post visibility. Include tips on how to adapt.” (Boom – the AI’s got direction!)

And hey, throw in tone and style. Want it chatty? Professional? Sassy? Tell the AI. It’s like a mood ring – it’ll change as you like.

Getting AI to write content well is a bit like training a puppy. You’ve got to be patient and clear, and you’ll get great results. Start with a solid prompt, add structure and content, and then let the AI work its magic. Now, go craft that perfect prompt like the content genius you are.

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